Look up a golf course in WeGolf

WeGolf can be used on any course worldwide. This course list is under development and may not be complete. Install WeGolf on your phone to get the complete course list. If your course is not there fill out the course request form and we will add it for you. Alternatively watch the video tutorial on how to add a new course.

Enter Country, State, City, Course name or part of any of these to look up a course. If your course does not appear try typing part of the course name or location.

Br?viken GK Gul-Vit Slinga (1-9+10-18) Sweden
Br?viken GK Vit Slinga (10-18) Sweden
Br?viken GK Vit-Gul Slinga (10-18+1-9) Sweden
Br?viken GK Vit-R?d Slinga (10-18+19-27) Sweden
Br?viken GK Vit-Vit Slinga (10-18+10-18) Sweden
Br?viken GK, R?d-Vit Slinga (19-27+10-18) Sweden
Drouin 1-18 VIC - member Australia
Kyssinge 1-18 Sweden
Malton and Norton Golf Club 1-18 UK
Motala GK 1-18 Sweden
S?derk?ping 1-18 Sweden
W?sby GK 1-18 Sweden

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From 1 to 13

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